Humanity is well on its way to irreparably damage our common home. We have incorporated nearly half of the ice-free land ecosystems and species are dying out up to a hundred times faster than normal, without human influence. We are on the brink of the greatest extinction in history.
Despite this harsh reality, many of us live in the illusion of progress. Technology seems to have liberated us from the laws of nature. In reality, technology has made our relationship with nature many times more complex and opaque. That makes our world so impossible: we lose our grip on reality.
Yet it is not difficult to imagine a completely different future. We live on the best planet in the universe. A planet that, in theory at least, can feed many billions. Where through the actions of all life on earth the ideal conditions for that same life have arisen over hundreds of millions of years. A magical place. A lottery ticket.
To make this future a reality, a deep shift in consciousness is needed. Humanity will have to become aware again of our inseparable relationships with nature. Instead of focusing on the dramas of our time, we could focus on how we can make the Earth a home for everyone and everything again.
It is time to come off our pedestal and see that our uniqueness comes from the uniqueness of life on Earth. That is where our strength and future lies
Veel van onze problemen zijn terug te voeren op de denkbeeldige uitzonderingspositie die de mens zichzelf heeft gegeven. In de manier waarop we met de natuur en ander leven omgaan, staat de mens centraal. Als gebruiker, beheerder of rentmeester. De natuur heeft ons echter niet nodig; het is precies andersom. De kern van onze visie op natuur en natuurherstel is dan ook zelfbeschikking voor alles dat leeft. Niet menselijk micro-management, maar natuurlijke processen moeten het verloop van het leven bepalen. Op grote schaal vrij levende grote grazers, roofdieren en bevers spelen een sleutelrol.
Grootschalig natuurherstel - tegenwoordig vaak Rewilding genoemd - laat onverwachte, positieve uitkomsten zien. In intacte, grootschalige natuur is de uitsterfkans de helft kleiner en de natuur daardoor weerbaar. Veel intacte natuur houdt de biosfeer stabiel. Natuurbehoud en -herstel zijn bovendien een natuurlijke klimaatoplossing, waarmee zo’n 30% van onze emissies kunnen worden vastgelegd.
Zelfbeschikking voor alles dat leeft betekent niet dat de mens uit beeld moet verdwijnen. Integendeel, het impliceert actief, bewust deelnemerschap. Als cynische, ambtelijke, technocratische of gewoon afstandelijke toeschouwers kunnen we nooit bewust met de natuur omgaan. Daarom lopen we ook niet warm voor het idee om de helft van de aarde terug te geven aan de natuur en de andere helft te gebruiken voor een zo efficiënt mogelijke productie. Uit het oog, uit het hart. Bovendien zien we in de praktijk dat efficiëntieverhoging er niet in slaagt om de milieuschade van onze levenswijze te compenseren. Wij pleiten voor een integrale ecologie, waarin spirituele, ethische, technologische en wetenschappelijke ontwikkeling de basis vormen voor ons samenleven op aarde.
Take me back
Intuitive embodied research
In our travels we are guided by an intuitive embodied research methodology. This from of research is not guided by mind-made knowledge, but rather focusses on using the human senses to engage with the natural world. Through observation, silence, human-plant interaction, feeling, hearing, seeing and sensing, this method allows parts of the whole to coalesce together and form an emergent meaning through the sum of its parts. Arriving at an heart-felt insight and wisdom, that is formed anew in every moment.
We thankfully make use of the the knowledge gathered though the years about plant medicine, Eastern wisdom tradition, permaculture and neuropsychology in order to inform our intuitive observations and combine these two into the written offerings, plant-medicine products and embodied excersizes on this page.
Our intention is to explore the natural world freely and bundle our stories in such a way that it inspires and evokes a regenerative way of living with Ourselves, the Earth, with the Earth’s people and all existing life.
Regenerative practices
in the field of western ecology and biology there is little notice to the ancient wisdom traditions that acknowledge the animated life that runs through all beings,
including all plants, trees, fungi, insects and rocks..
more and more of these ancient knowledge seems to be coming back in our western culture and being acknowledged by scientist although the language seems different its there…
from the current awareness of both science and spiritual teachings we feel the call to dive deeper into both our own healing and that of the earth..
one of the current question is how we can live Regenerately with the inclusion of all life on earth… ??
Wow kind of a big question….. which id like to invite you to to reflect on…. maybe very small, a current awareness of the inclusiveness your already living,… you might be vegan and think compassionately of all animals ?
you might be a activist who put its body on the line to stop the destruction of the fossil fuel industry ? these al all openings to an inclusive society where we clearly move away from destruction and keep directing our energy towards a fair and regenerative society / community, one step in this that might be important is to bring back the scale of community (your local neighbourhood) therefor seeing ways to connect back to local resources that add social and ecological value.
Our approach in this research will be effected by the local conditions of the place we will be at the time: the social / tropological understanding as the ecological
we defined our research into 4 categories 1) field-notes 2) wildcrafted products 3) regenerative stories 4) eco communities
These will be products of our intentions and drive to take a deep dive into the research question of sustainability practices.
These intentions are inspired by many others on the planet today who already live and contribute from this place of interconnectedness… people like:
Vandana Shiva, Charles Eisenstein, Polly Higgins, Douglas Rushkoff, Marianne Thieme & Sieta van Horck
Inhoudsopgave op website (hier kan nog tekst voor geschreven worden)
- regen stories
- about us
- wildcrafted products
- fieldnotes
Groen = al op website gezet
rood = nieuw/nog in te voegen